Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is vivo Moments and how does vivo Moments work?

vivo Moments is a free stock photo website that helps vivo users to share their best captured photo with vivo camera. Simply go to the website and share your best capture moment’s photos.

2. What are the benefits of joining vivo Moments?

Our goal with vivo Moments is to create an incredibly simple and fast way to find the photos which are captured with vivo phone. We've made it possible for anyone to view and download image for free without needing to create an account. When you create your vivo Moments account, however, there are a variety of useful features that come along with it. As a user, you will be able to: Access every photo you want to view. Follow photographers you love. Experience a curated homepage with the most recent work from your favorites. Like photos. Contribute your own photos should you choose to do so!

3. How does vivo Moments ensure that the photos and videos belong to the photographer?

We have a copyright check system in place, also we have a requirement that, to upload photo with watermark. And for uploading the photos user have account and there is a profile of the user.

4. How can I edit my profile?

Logged in to your vivo Moments account to go to the Edit Your Profile page. Or, simply click the Edit Profile button on your profile page, located next to your profile picture.

5. If didn't find the Uploaded Photos

Only accept the photos based on campaign/activity criteria. Irrelevant photos accept/remove by the authority. Maintain to share good quality photos with watermark of phone model.

6. What is the criteria to follow while upload photo?

Upload good quality and relevant photos with phone watermark.